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Las Palmas Elementary

Las Palmas Elementary


Responsibilities of the English Learner Advisory Committee

Responsibilities of the English Learner Advisory Committee

Our ELAC Meetings offer parents of English Learners the opportunity to receive information critical to the success of their children and our schools.  We are dedicated to focusing on the needs and concerns of our parents and tailor our agenda, presentations, and discussions on the topics most important to our parents.  Meetings are open to the public.  Agendas for presentations and official meetings will be posted here along with minutes from both the presentations and official meetings.  Se below for meeting details.
  • Attend meetings througout the year
  • Review information pertinent to EL students and programs
  • Monitor and evaluate EL programs
  • Attend and review DELAC Meeting information
  • Make recommendations to the School Site Council regarding EL students and programs
  • Develop system for ongoing communicaiton with school and district groups
If you have any questions, please call us at (916) 566-2700 for information about the Las Palmas ELAC.
Si tiene preguntas sobre el Comité Asesor de Estudiantes de Inglés de la Escuela Primaria Las Palmas, llámenos al (916) 566-2700.